Guide to my projects:

⛙ LIMINAL AMERICANA is my personal story/worldbuilding project! It's also where I place old/random ocs that have become unconnected from a larger story. Expect the weird, the abstract, and a bunch of people who insist they are completely normal despite this. They are not (affectionate).

⚅ OCT and TTRPG CHARACTERS are ones I've made for tournaments and campaigns. Some examples include the Goku Royale(s), Humans and Horrors, and Slumberland, plus any campaigns I'm lucky enough to participate in. They're mostly standalone, and can vary a lot in vibe and tone! Sometimes, characters for finished or scrapped events find a place in Liminal Americana.

I also sometimes do 🖳 FANART and FAN CHARACTERS. The most recent of these is my courier oc for FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS, though this will probably change over time!

◓ POKÉFUSIONS (or; Project PM-6372) is a long-running collaborative story I've been making with some friends since July 2022! Part drama, part rom-com, it features unethical human experimentation, found family and various trans actions across the moral spectrum. Also there are pokémon. This is now nested under Fan Characters.