
A while ago, I started making a TTRPG based on this setting, which you can see here. It's currently unfinished (and hasn't been updated since March 2023 lol), but as of now most of the main concepts are there.

Most of the work I still have to do is explaining various worldbuilding/lore details, but that should get easier as I fill out this page. Hopefully.


Lucky // they/them // ?? y/o

The owner of a small roadside convenience store existing just outside regular spacetime, Lucky offers necessities, curios, and information to anyone with enough money (or a story of greater or equal value). Lucky means well, but enjoys messing with their customers. If you play along, they may throw in some free advice as compensation.

After their unfortunate death (car crash while pursued by cops), Lucky was granted a supplementary life by a passing Cat with (at most) 8 to spare. Lucky is still relatively new to their afterlife, and while it may look like they have just about any answer you need there's a lot Lucky's still asking themself.


  • Gained a couple more cat features than they anticipated. Meows occasionally.
  • Lucky originated from a dream I had!
  • Their outfit is based on a mixture of Japanese Edo period clothing and a wild west barkeep outfit.
LUCKY (cont.)

died and came back a catboy (nongendered)