
A twice in a lifetime tournament, this time with a capitalistic twist. BIG DEAL has gathered media's strongest yet legally distinct fighters to fight in a corporate hellscape of his own making.


Player Unknown // all pronouns // 25?

A human-adjacent being who's decided to spend his eternity killing for the fun of it. They travel from world to world, deathmatch to deathmatch looking for her next big challenge. Great at warfare, not so great at a variety of other things. Like social cues, and eating.

After spending GOKU 2 killing two dinosaurs and several other people, Player Unknown accidentally exited the confines of the tournament through a side-door. Since then, they've been chilling out in the proverbial walls on a 'vacation arc' with their cousin.


  • Won the "most homoerotic murder award" after xe flirted with a guy and then killed it.
  • Has a twin somewhere. I've heard they're enjoying a lot of single player fps games.
  • Had nothing to do with the revolutionary coup on the Spear Of Night City.
Player Unknown (cont.)

pure gaming given human-adjacent form


Tarragon // they/them // 21

The recent inheritor of their grandparent's old farm and psuedo-godly powers, Tarragon has spent the last year or so learning how to crochet, reading existentialist philosophy, and generally not talking to people except for the local grannies and their annoying bloodthirsty cousin.

Acted as Player's sponsor in GOKU 2 because of the peer pressure. Spent most of the tournament minding their own business, but got trapped in the playing field after BIGDEAL's plot to kill all the sponsors and steal their assets. Luckily, they not only survived but also managed to escape the official radar with a bunch of loot.


  • Glad they didn't end up an accountant.
  • Has been 21 for 5 months. Will be 21 for the rest of time.
  • Despite not knowing what Christianity is, they have been to Literal Hell.
Tarragon (cont.)

still thinks they're normal. lmaoo


A long running (and i mean long) homebrew campaign I've been playing with some friends. A ragtag party of amnesiac wedding guests (and crashers) travel around a world at war to rebuild the royal groom's scattered geode body.


[n/a] // they/them // 19-ish?

In a party of dragons, avians, sea monsters and living statues, They are one of the only two humans. Previously quiet and withdrawn, They've decided to use their amnesia as a convenient opportunity for reinvention. Now, They're doing their best to the god-prince invading their mind, avoid remembering their past, and become emo. (They aren't succeeding.)

So far, this has translated to stealing a bunch of stuff, committing a couple murders and accidentally getting drunk and losing their crush in a game of slots. Don't worry, though - They're now chilling out in the "beach episode".


  • just a little guy! a little introverted guy going through a lot of stress!!
  • took them 4 days to realise they had a glass eye
  • who knows what would happen if They got access to eyeliner and black nail polish
Them (cont.)

fantasy mcr's biggest (and only) fan.